TAG Santa Fe Travel and Accommodations

Hotel Santa Fe is a 100%-tribally-owned venue, and we are very pleased that Picuris Pueblo has permitted us to use this beautiful facility as the home of North American TAG’s 2024 conference. Our hope is that the conference will economically benefit the tribe in return. Towards that end, we ask that all non-local participants stay at the conference hotel who have the means of doing so. Rooms typically begin at $249 per night, but the hotel is offering a conference rate of $199 per night, available until April 22. For reservations, contact the hotel directly, identifying yourself as a TAG attendee.

Telephone: 877-259-3409 

Fax: 505-955-7835 

E-mail: stay@hotelsantafe.com 

Hotel Accommodation Waivers

Low-income and unwaged participants who would otherwise be unable to stay at Hotel Santa Fe have another option. TAG sessions that have been formally sponsored by a partner institution (indicated as such on the list of sessions) will each have between 1 and 6 hotel accommodation waivers (covering 3 nights at Hotel Santa Fe), to be used by the session chair to build an inclusive group of session participants. If you would like to be considered for a Hotel Accommodation Waiver, please note this in the comments field of your application.

Travel to Hotel Santa Fe

Hotel Santa Fe is located at 1501 Paseo de Peralta, in downtown Santa Fe. Travelers arriving by air at the Albuquerque International Airport can either (1) take a shuttle from the airport to the hotel ($43) or (2) take the New Mexico Rail Runner Express from Downtown Albuquerque (Alvarado Transportation Center) to the Santa Fe Depot ($9), which is a short walk away from Hotel Santa Fe. Travelers arriving by air at the Santa Fe Regional Airport should arrange an Uber for the 10 mile drive to the conference hotel.

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